Members Library

Areas of Opportunity

JCL USA’s Four Areas of Opportunity-Individual Development, Community Impact, International Cooperation, and Business & Entrepreneurship-offer members a comprehensive platform to develop skills make a positive impact, and expand their global network. Through these areas, members can pursue personal growth, engage in community service, collaborate internationally, and build professional success.

The JCI Action Framework

JCI’s Action Framework provides a structured approach for members to create sustainable impact by identifying community needs, developing effective solutions, and collaborating with stakeholders. This framework empowers young leaders to take purposeful action and drive positive change at the local, national, and global levels.

An image showing the four steps of the JCI Action Framework: Analyze (discover a problem, need or opportunity for improvement and conduct research), Develop (design a plan to address the root causes of the challenge), Execute (mobilize partners and resources to bring your ideas to life), and Review (monitor progress, gather feedback, and compare results to desired outcomes).
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