Members Library

Bettering Your Community & Your World

JCI USA members play a vital role in community development by creating impact projects tailored to the specific needs of their local areas. These projects not only address pressing issues but also provide an opportunity to lead and give back to their communities. Through hands-on experience, members learn to manage all aspects of a project, from budgeting and staffing to strategic planning, gaining valuable skills that can be applied in both their personal and professional lives. Many communities rely on the dedication and efforts of their local Jaycees to drive positive change and foster growth.

Impact that's aligned internationally

JCI USA leaders and chapters join JCI organizations around the world in delivering impact that aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

From Economic Impact to No Poverty, projects tackle all kinds of issues and challenges that communities face. When you participate in a project, you’re building your leadership skills while helping our world become a better place.

Young Leaders and Chapters in Action

A National Network of Impact

JCI USA members learn from other chapters and successful projects nationwide, using shared experiences to enhance their own initiatives. Project plans from previous impact projects serve as vital resources, offering proven strategies that can be adapted to local needs. This collaborative approach strengthens the effectiveness of JCI USA’s efforts across the country.

To better serve our mission and young leaders across the country, a central library of projects is being built so impact can be scaled and replicated around the world! Check back later this year for more updates and resources.

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